RAMPS: What we do
We specialize in radiation and corrosion chemistry. We investigate the chemical mechanisms of the corrosion of metals and alloys under radiation. An essential aspect of this work is modelling the concentrations and rates of production of the reactive compounds and radical species produced by radiation in various media, under a range of environmental conditions. We are developing a more comprehensive and quantitative understanding of the influence of these "radiolysis products" on the behaviour of materials, and in particular the corrosion of metals. We also study applications of radiation chemistry in materials science (for example, nanoparticle formation). Another of our current projects involves developing methods for encapsulating or remediating radiocontaminated materials.
Research Spotlight
How computer simulation can be used to predict behaviour in corrosion systems
Twitter feed
Brianna Rector from our group was awarded a Best Poster prize at the 2022 International Society for Electrochemistr… https://t.co/bD4fhGCA5l
Congratulations to Brianna Rector in our research group who has been awarded a NACE Foundation of Canada Dennis B.… https://t.co/JbQy4H6Shi
Two PhD candidates from our group, Thao Do and Brianna Rector, were awarded Centre for Advanced Materials and Bioma… https://t.co/49PrT9taWd
Brianna was awarded one of the Best Poster awards at the 31st Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry in Aachen Germany. Congratulations!
Brianna has been awarded a NACE Foundation Dennis B. Dutton Award for Student Leadership Excellence. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Thao Do and Brianna Rector, who were awarded Centre for Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Research travel awards after submitting video applications. You can see their winning videos here.
Congratulations to Lindsay Grandy and Mohsen Bahrami, who have successfully defended their PhDs.
Congratulations to Masi who has successfully defended her PhD! Please welcome the new Dr. Naghizadeh.
Congratulations to Brianna Rector who has been awarded an Alexander Graham Bell Canadian Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral (NSERC-CGS-D).
Congratulations to our PhD candidate Thao Do who is the recipient of a 2021 Roy G. Post Foundation Scholarship.
Three of our students just successfully defended their PhDs. Congratulations to Jennifer, Mi and Ryan!
Kwang O’Donnell presenting his poster at the 2022 International Society for Electrochemistry Meeting in Germany.
Congratulations to Brianna Rector, who is the recipient of a NACE Foundation Dennis B. Dutton Award for Student Leadership Excellence.
Congratulations to Dr. Lindsay Grandy, seen here at her defence party, which we were luckily able to have at the end of 2021 in a brief break from pandemic restrictions!
Alloy 800 after corrosion for 5 hours at in deaerated water at 400 C and 25 MPa. The crystals formed on the surface are magnetite.
SEM image of copper metal deposited from copper sulphate solution by reduction on a carbon-steel surface.
Cuprous oxide crystals forming inside a pit in a copper metal surface corroded in solution under gamma radiation.
Concentric ring patterns of cuprous oxide formed from the corrosion of copper in solution under gamma radiation.