A still from Brianna’s video (click to see larger).
A still from Thao’s video (click to see larger).
Brianna Rector and Thao Do, PhD candidates from our group, have been awarded Centre for Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Research Trainee Travel Awards, and will each receive an award of $1500 to attend an international conference!
You can watch their videos here.
More information about CAMBR, from their website:
“The Centre for Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Research (CAMBR) brings together more than 50 research groups to tackle key materials challenges. From determining how to provide energy to a growing global population in an environmentally sustainable manner to ways to enhance health and quality of life using materials-based approaches to medicine, CAMBR research teams engage in cutting-edge and multidisciplinary research with colleagues across the institution and in collaboration with external partners to move the bar forward in the development of new devices and products with novel materials.”